Thursday, December 26, 2019

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Conversion Kits

Compressed natural gas (CNG) conversion kits  allow a mechanic to convert a conventional gasoline car to one that runs on the CNG. Although the process is complex, it is not necessarily difficult and quite doable. And if you are mechanically inclined, it could feasibly be done in your own garage. The other option is to find a willing mechanic that will install a CNG kit for you! This type of alternative fuel also comes with its fair share of advantages including more engine power, better fuel efficiency and longer engine life overall. However, there are also several concerns you should address before committing to fully converting your vehicle. You should consult a trusted mechanic for more information regarding the logic of making this change. Common Concerns One potential hoop to jump through could be emissions certification for your particular state — some states require special conditions since youd be changing the vehicles engineered fuel type. They all differ, and some are easier to work with than others. The U.S. Department of Energy offers this emissions certification information and CSA America offers a searchable database of compressed natural gas cylinder inspectors. Another be-aware-before-you-do-it-item is to locate the CNG fueling stations in your area to be sure you’ll have regular access to the fuel. This station finder for CNG and alternative fuels includes pricing for the United States. Another alternative, if you have natural gas in your home, is to install a Phill home refueling appliance. These devices compress and dispense a tank of fuel in about 8 hours. They are designed to be attached overnight, delivering a full tank by morning. Another option could be to install a CNG compressor at your house, which typically runs upwards of $4,500. Where to Get the Kits Fortunately, there is no shortage of vendors for these CNG conversion kits. Websites like  CNG Interstate  which not only offers a bi-fuel CNG/gasoline conversion kit and CNG cylinders but also a plethora of information related to understanding how they work.   Grimhall Vehicle Upfitters also offers CNG conversion advice for home installation and is a valuable reference for regulatory and safety information. Although their online store is still relatively new, they offer plenty of products for CNG conversion. Speaking of, chances are your local mechanic will also be able to get the right tools for the job, but if you live in the Denver Metro area, Redmark CNG Services offers alternative fuel conversions for a variety of American vehicle makes and models with installations available directly at their facility. Similarly,  Tulsa Gas Technologies  offers full conversions in Tulsa, OK, and Dallas, TX.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The As A Social Structure - 1116 Words

â€Å"Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.† This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is an excellent way to describe the society in the captivating novel by M.T. Anderson, entitled Feed. Based on the story, society adheres to a certain structure, and controls everything. When a person is part of a social structure, he no longer has a sense of individuality. In this novel, Titus becomes that individual. Titus represents the world of what is a reflection of the economic and social structure surrounding him, through the conformity of promoting and behaving in a manner were†¦show more content†¦While it may possibly be something hidden underneath Titus’s controlled conscious, he is willing to accept the world around him without hesitation. Who do you blame or place responsible for Titus’ s behavior, the feed or perhaps his upbringing? Titus’s father, Steve, is the main source of Titus materialistic and superficial attitude. His father is obsessed with both consumerism and social status. Throughout the novel, he makes no effort to teach Titus any important life lessons. For example, when Titus is hacked and loses his feed, instead of taking the opportunity to bond with his son, his father decides to buy Titus a brand new upcar. In addition, Titus only learns the importance of consuming and how to be the perfect puppet that the corporation wants him to be through his father. In the outset of the novel, Titus portrays to be extremely handsome, yet very naà ¯ve and stupid. In like manner to his father, who is seems fancy and businesslike when Titus describes him, â€Å"He was being very powerful and businesslike. He was dressed up, and he looked like he was ready to give some orders and sort some things out. He looked like everyone around us was stupid and he w as going to roll up his sleeves and do some real clarity work.† Nevertheless, once his father opens his mouth, this fancy illusion is gone. He says, â€Å"She s like, whoa, she s like so stressed out. This is... Dude.... Dude, this is some way bad shit (Anderson 55). There is no sense of

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Notion of Equilibrium in Keynesian Theory †

Question: Discuss about the Notion of Equilibrium in Keynesian Theory. Answer: Introduction Over the years, the conceptual and theoretical framework of economics have experienced considerable dynamics and different schools of thought have evolved in the global economic scenario under different perceptions and notions of the founding fathers of these school of thoughts, who primarily include eminent economists like Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx and many others (Brue and Grant 2012). The ideals and assertions put forward by these founding fathers of economics are found to be relevant and applicable even in the real economic scenario of the contemporary period. Keeping this into context, the report tries to the school of thought which evolved under John Maynard Keynes and also tries to discuss its implications on the construction industry in general (Johnson 2017). John Maynard Keynes (5th June, 1883-21st April, 1946), was one of the most eminent European economists of his time who revolutionized the economic way of thinking, which in many ways contradicted the existing conceptual framework of economics which is popularly known as the Classical School of Thought in economics (Sebastiani 2016). Being the author of the famous book, named The Economic Consequence of the Peace, Keynes was a strong supporter of monetarism and highlighted the role of price levels in stabilizing the economies and was also famous for his assertions regarding the role played by the governing authorities and state itself in controlling and facilitating the dynamics of economies in the global scenario. Before evolution of this school, the primary school of thought prevailing in the global economics framework was that of the Classical School of Thought, the most important assertion of the school being that the economy grows optimally if it is left in the hands of the market forces, with very little or no government intervention. However, the flaws of this theory became more prominent with the several recessionary and depression situations in the global economy due to the lack of presence of government intervention and monitoring. Keynes, keeping this into consideration, highlighted the need for presence of government and state authorities in an economy in order to ensure welfare of all sector of the society, especially at the times of crisis and downturns as if in these periods the economy is left in the hands of the market forces, then it may hamper one section of the society in order to benefit the other (Davidson 2017). Keynes also highlighted the need to stabilize wage in an eco nomy in order to ensure a better standard of living, which in turn can help in increasing consumption, investment, aggregate demand and thereby leading to higher economic growth in the countries. The Keynesian school of thought also supports the idea of deficit spending on parts of the government especially at the times of economic stagnation as a robust measure to maintain full employment in the economy, which the market forces cannot ensure. In his The General Theory of Full Employment, Keynes asserted that for existence of full employment in an economy, government intervention and assistance is required. All these assertions can be found to be relevant to the contemporary construction industry in the countries. Application of Keynes Theory in Construction Industry The primary assertion of Keynes which seem to be applicable in the construction sector of different economies is that during various economic fluctuations and downturns, to maintain full employment in these sectors, the government intervention is needed. The primary reason behind this assertion is that during the times of recession and economic downfalls, if the construction industry is left to the market forces then it can lead to slow down of the productive activities due to the stagnation of many infrastructural and construction projects and also shut down of some of the companies, which can lead to loss of employment of many workers, especially the low skilled and vulnerable worker (Pressman 2013). In such situation, the presence of considerable government intervention can help in maintaining full employment though increased government spending as Keynes takes government spending as a part of the aggregate demand. This can happen in the construction sector in the form of construction ventures taken up by the government, which can lead to increase in the employment scopes for the workers in this sector, especially at the times of economic slowdown. Conclusion Thus, it can be asserted that different school of thoughts in economics assert theories which are relevant to the activities in the construction sectors of the economy. While the theory of Adam Smith talks about the Invisible Hand which determines the wages and material prices in the construction economy, the Marxian economy talks about the problems with the distribution of welfare and economic resources and the class struggle between the class having all the resources and the working class who are usually deprived by the former. From the above discussion it can be asserted that the assertions put forward by the Keynesian school of thought is relevant to a construction industry in the contemporary period, especially at the times of economic downturns and recessionary situations when leaving the industry in the hands of free markets can lead to loss of employment and welfare. In such cases, the intervention of government in the form of deficit financing can lead to creation of job opp ortunities thereby helping in maintaining full employment in the industry. References Brue, S. and Grant, R., 2012.The evolution of economic thought. Cengage Learning. Davidson, P., 2017.John Maynard Keynes. Springer. Johnson, H.G., 2017.Macroeconomics and monetary theory. Routledge. Pressman, S., 2013.Fifty major economists. Routledge. Sebastiani, M. ed., 2016.The Notion of Equilibrium in the Keynesian Theory. Springer. Stiglitz, J.E. and Rosengard, J.K., 2015.Economics of the Public Sector: Fourth International Student Edition. WW Norton Company.

Monday, December 2, 2019

King Lear Flaws Essays - King Lear, British Films,

King Lear Flaws Of all Shakespeare's great tragic heroes, Lear is perhaps the least typical. In the beginning of the play Lear is already an old man; his best days have passed, though doubtless there is still about his person a certain regal carriage. Lear's petulant behavior betrays him, and soon, when he engages his three daughters in the dreadful game of flattery, wherein Goneril and Regan swear the whole allegiance of their hearts to a father, leaving nothing for a husband, it becomes clear that Lear is something less than natural. In the first act, Lear assumes one of the least attractive roles in Shakespearean literature, that of a bad father. Lear at first does not realize that his temper and deep seeded need of blandishment leads to the usurpation of his divinity. Only through rejection and madness is Lear able to understand and change his destructive attitudes and behavior. As a tragedy, King Lear portrays a protagonist whose fortunes are conditioned by his hamartia, or tragic flaw. As defined by Aristotle, "the protagonist of a tragedy should be a person ?who is not eminently good or just, yet whose fortune is brought about by some error or frailty' (Jacobus IIV). This error is not necessarily a flaw in character; hamartia can be an unwitting misstep in definite action or the failure to perform an action (Jacobus IIV)." Lear's hamartia is the capricious division of his powers and kingdom before his death - more specifically, the rejection of Cordelia because she will speak "nothing." Lear's flawed character traits that enabled him to make this mistake were his disrespect of the chain of being, his faith in the substance of spoken words, and his rashness. Lear believes himself a great and respected King; Goneril, Regan, and the Fool constantly remind him that he is an old man who has lost his kingdom, his faithful daughter, and his wits through his own folly. In Lear's whimsical desire to hear how great he is, he trusts the substance of spoken words. He is not concerned with the truth and so he mistakes Cordelia's response for an insult, a non-answer. She will not give him the words he desires because they do not hold the substance of what she knows to be truth. Through his madness Lear breaks down the false illusions of his courtly world. Where the earlier speech is concerned with power and title (Blow winds and crack your cheeks! Rage blow!...), the later speech is concerned with humanity and friendship (Poor naked wretches, whereso'er you are...). Lear's madness can be seen both as a result of his arrogance and as a remedy for it: The Fool's statement that "truth's a dog must to kennel; he must be whipped out." foreshadows the pain that Lear will have to pass through before attaining enlightenment. Lear's madness is unarguably the ranting of a mad man. However, Lear's ravings contain some method in them. As a result of Lear's madness, he slowly and methodically realizes his fatal error, and the corresponding personality traits. Lear understands that the consequential suffering of all his subjects is due to his mistakes. In the final scene, Lear asks who and what he is, and he is told (most bluntly by the Fool) that he is nothing. He no longer has importance to the other characters. However, Kent, the Fool, and Cordelia make him more than nothing does by serving faithfully, speaking bluntly, and loving unconditionally. Though in the end Lear is able to understand his flaws, he is never able to use the knowledge he has attained to emend his destructive attitudes and behavior. That is what makes "King Lear" a tragedy. In conclusion, Lear brought upon himself the ultimate punishment; the comprehension of his personal faults, which led directly to the suffering of all who loved him. Although Lear knows full well the error of his ways, his situation restrains him from accomplishing any sort of change in this respect. As a footnote, it is interesting that "the Bard's patron, King James of England was seeking to unite England and Scotland at the same time that Shakespeare was writing King Lear. That Shakespeare chose to show a divided kingdom in King Lear leading to tragedy confirm that Shakespeare was either a significant social and political commentator or simply a royal ass kisser (Martin, Long, and Tichenor, Side 3)." Bibliography Jacobus, Lee. The Bedford introduction to Drama third edition. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997. Martin, Reed., Long, Adam,. and Tichenor, Austin. The Reduced Shakespeare Company Radio Show [audio recording] 2